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Divorcios & Legal Separation

All our documents are prepared by Experts.            We guarantee 100% Satisfaction.

Divorce With Minor Children
Fee: $599

The Divorce with Minor Children Package can be used to obtain a divorce when you and your spouse have children together or the wife is pregnant. This Package is appropriate whether or not you have property or debts that you and your spouse need to divide.



Divorce Without Minor Children
Fee: $499

The Divorce without Minor Children Package can be used to obtain a divorce when you and your spouse have no children together and the wife is not pregnant. This Package is appropriate whether or not you have property or debts that you and your spouse need to divide.



Divorce Response Only
Fee: $299

The Divorce Response Package can be used to respond if you have been served with a Petition for Divorce. Once you have been served with a Petition, you have 30 days to let the Court know if you want to be a full participant in the divorce process. You may want to do this even if you agree with everything the Petition says.



Divorce Amendment
Fee: $229

The Divorce or Legal Separation Amendment can be used if changes are needed on divorce forms that have already been served on the other party or have already been filed in court.

Essentially any document filed with the court prior to the entry of Judgment can be amended. The amendment could be due to a clerical or typographical error, or simply a change in the terms of an agreement. If a document or form is changed, then usually it has to be re-served or re-filed just as the original documents was served or filed.

The Court will only allow you to amend your Petition once without getting permission from the Judge in advance. 



Marital Settlement Agreement
Fee: $499

The  Marital Settlement Agreement can be used for either a divorce or legal separation when you and your spouse want to finalize the division of property and debts and/or spell out the terms of any child custody, visitation, or support agreements.



The fees above do not include filing, recording, or courier service fees.

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